When deciding on the reseller hosting plan that will best suit your reseller hosting business, it is important to familiarize yourself with the specifications offered by different hosting providers. Whether you need more storage space or bandwidth, you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. In this article, we will compare the specifications of InMotion Hosting reseller hosting plans with A2 hosting plans.
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Compare hosting plans
To help you better understand how InMotion Hosting’s Reseller Hosting compares to A2 Hosting’s Reseller Hosting, here’s a comparison:
InMotion Hosting | save | Bandwidth | A2 Hosting | save | Bandwidth |
R-1000S | 100 GB SSD | 800 GB | Kickstart | 60 GB SSD | 600 GB |
R-2000S | 160 GB SSD | 1200 GB | launch | 100 GB SSD | 1000 GB |
R-3000S | 200 GB SSD | 1600 GB | grow up | 170 GB SSD | 1700 GB |
Reseller VPS | 125 GB SSD, 7 GB RAM | unlimited | scale | 270 GB SSD | 2700 GB |
As you can see from the comparison chart above, InMotion Hosting’s reseller servers have more storage than their A2 Hosting equivalents. The only InMotion Hosting plan that has less storage is the Reseller VPS plan, which compensates for the reduced space by using additional RAM.
While all servers benefit from additional storage space, reseller servers benefit from larger memory, giving your business more room to grow. More storage means more users, more websites and more email.
In addition to more memory, InMotion Hosting’s servers also provide greater bandwidth, ensuring your customers never experience performance degradation or downtime due to insufficient bandwidth. As with storage space, more bandwidth means your business has more room to grow.
Started with success
In addition to the obvious hardware advantages, InMotion Hosting servers have many features that will help you start your reseller hosting business off on the right foot:
- Marketing tools
- A website builder powered by BoldGrid
- Email on any device
- Free advertising credits
- Customer management tools
- Security suite
- Free SSLs
- Protection against hackers and malware
- DDOS protection
- Automatic backups
Now that you know the features of InMotion Hosting and A2 Hosting reseller plans, you should be able to make a more informed decision about which provider and plan is right for you. Starting a reseller business can be difficult, but with the right hosting plan, you can start off on the right foot and set yourself up for success.