What is the OSI Model?
OSI model concept It is described in seven layers and defines the infrastructure that enables parts produced in different brands to work in harmony with each other’s parts. OSI Models While it was possible to use parts only in own brand products before, with this model, the parts became available in alternative products even if the parts were not of the same brand.
When using the OSI model, it is used over layers that are hierarchically arranged, and these layers are as follows in descending order:
- Application Layer
- Presentation Layer
- Session Layer
- Transport Layer
- Network Layer
- Data Link Layer
- Physical Layer
Layers are also known as the stages of the model. When grouped separately, the application, presentation and session layers become a single group; session, transport, network, data link and physical layer are examined independently of each other.
What are the Advantages of the OSI Model?
Advantages of the OSI model It is known as the expansion of the customer portfolio by the units that produce software and hardware by different brands. Since the number of people to be reached through a common platform will increase, it is known that there is a facilitator in the production channel.
OSI Models It works over layers and is not a one-dimensional service area. Therefore, it is possible to make changes on any layer independently of the others.
It is known that it is suitable for the development of multiple vendors due to its easy-to-use, not complicated use. At the same time, by making different studies on layers, new conveniences in use can be offered.
What is the OSI Model Application Layer?
OSI Model application layer It is known as the topmost layer in the entire hierarchy and the most accessible to users. In this layer, there is an infrastructure system where HTTP and many similar protocols will work.
Since there is a hierarchical order in the layers within the model, progress is made gradually. After the application layer comes the presentation layer and the session layer, and it is possible to examine these three layers as a single group.
How OSI Model Presentation and Session Layers Work?
Presentation and session layers within the OSI Model It is known as a system that works together with the application layer. Within the presentation layer, the processes of preparing the contents for presentation, that is, making them a data that can be understood through data are performed.
The presentation layer determines with which file extension a content will be used. While music files are processed over MP3 and MP4, images are processed over JPEG.
The session layer is known as the last layer within this group of three. As the name suggests, it can provide the necessary infrastructures during the session opening and closing process.
Out of these three layers OSI Models The other layers in it are not considered as a general group, but as a separate layer and are processed over it.