Knowledge Base | What is Inode? What Do Inode Limits Mean?

What is Inode? What Do Inode Limits Mean?

Meaning of the word inodeis defined as the area where transactions, add-ons and files are kept within a site. The word is short for Inox Node. Translated into Turkish as a node, Inode keeps records of databases, files, directories and folders and users in the account you host. It stores a wide range of transactions from access permissions to file modification dates. Which means a kind of storage space Inodeencodes files with numerical passwords.

How Does the Inode System Work?

Inode working principleconsists of the file name and the codes corresponding to that name. In addition to the name you give, the files are given numeric codes that are unique. The given codes and file names are combined and stored on the File System. Information to be accessed in this system, other than the name of the file, can be listed as follows:

  • File type (exe, edu)
  • Number of links to the file
  • The group the file user belongs to
  • File creation date
  • Date of last access to the file
  • Last modification date on the file

The number of inodes increases with every transaction. The recording of each transaction makes it necessary to limit the number of Inodes.

How to Learn Inode Information?

Learning inode information You need to log in to the hosting account. It is necessary to visit the cPanel, Plesk or DirectAdmin administration panels of the account and enter the Inode settings from there.

A separate Inode code is generated for each file and each transaction in the file. However, the number of Inodes cannot be unlimited and Inode transactions may need to be cleaned up. The number of inodes varies depending on the size of the file system and the standard Inode space. Although the user can make changes on the site, the Inode value is assigned as 2K (2048 bytes).

What Does the Inode Limit Mean?

Meaning of inode limitsis the transaction limit set by the hosting company. The limit is determined by the hosting that gives you server service. If the limit is over, your movements within the site will be frozen and you will be unable to do any action. For this reason, your website flow is noticeably disrupted. Inode If the number is not decreased, the site becomes unusable.

How to Reduce Inode Number?

Things to do to reduce the number of inodesOccurs by turning on the inode counter. This is a process like clearing the cache in other system applications. The number that will be seen after the counter is turned on, shows the number of files connected to Inode codes by hard link. If the number of files linked to an Inode code is 10, that Inode may disappear by deleting all of these 10 file transactions. Therefore, clearing all linked file transactions is required for Inode cleaning. The steps to be taken for this can be listed as follows:

  • The hosting account must be logged in.
  • All visible files not needed in the file directory should be deleted.
  • E-mail, Log files, spam folder should be cleaned completely.
  • Photos and pictures, bulk files should be cleaned.
  • Then log out of your site and enter it again. Try to trade. Since you delete the linked files, the Inode codes will also be deleted.

How To Determine Inode Number?

Determining the number of inodesis maintained by the hosting server. In a standard hosting service, the number of Inodes varies around 100,000- 250,000. In other words, a standard website can perform an average of 150,000 transactions within the site without any deletion. However, in some paid and private hosting services, the number of Inodes can be up to 500,000.

If you are warned about your transactions on your site, not being able to do a transaction, slowing down when opening the hosting page and warning when entering the site, Inode limit should be considered to be exceeded. It can be processed again by deleting all information and refreshing the page.

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